Friday, March 22, 2013

silence vow - day 6

there's a long stretch to make between the intoxicatingly sweet void of that elsewhere we reach inside of us, and the loud vibrance of the now our bodies reside in. 

i mean, i'm mutedly walking on that puff of pure joy in the morning, in the afternoon i'm laughing boisterously with my friends, so much i'm enjoying their company, and by nightfall i'm yelling my lungs out while dancing like the stupidest person on earth. and i love it all. 

yes taking a vow of silence for forty days might sound extreme; but i'm against the view that divorces spirituality from everyday life. the view that only associates society's standards of "purity" with the divine and spiritual, and everything else kind of becomes commoners' matters. so it would completely defeat the purpose according to my beliefs to do my fast on a weekend, or in a state of retreat. no. my religion is about incorporating the esoteric within the mundane; actually, it's finding the esoteric in the mundane. God isn't elsewhere. God is everywhere.

"when you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy," rumi says. you laugh with all your soul, you cry with all your soul and you pour your soul into dancing like a monkey on coke to britney spears' songs. you're alive with all your fibers. you're so present that past and future can simply never exist.  

today my brains stopped talking. my answers no longer came to my mind in words or letters, they came as pure unarticulated ideas. somehow, it make things better. 

"azza, i'm disappointed in you." my friend was shocked to see me behave like an idiot, shouting and dancing, when i was supposed to be on a spiritual journey. it's frustrating how society gives a pre-painted image to each label. a veiled girl cannot kiss a man who is not her husband; suddenly we attack her values and how she's degrading the veil. we're shocked when a man with bad reputation is seen helping someone get up; yeah he probably pushed her in the first place, or maybe he's just trying to get into her pants. how boring would life be, if categories were so set, and people were subject to labeling? 

it's why i hate labels. heck it might be why i gave up speech. come put a label on that!

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