they are born in a flash, a bulb of energy, right before they fade out and die.
ideas, thoughts, inspirations. nothing seems to be able to last. all those pretty words of the mind, they fall as soon as they rise.
like how it amazes me how rarely people are really looking for an answer when they ask you a question. most times, they're only looking for a confirmation of what they have already preconceived. mute or not, it doesn't matter who you are to answer them. try it for yourself. wait a few heartbeats before answering, put a limit on the number of your words when you reply.
some people don't even notice i'm silent. i can't imagine how loud their mind must be, cause i've heard how loud their tongues are.
so you assume, silent tongue, silent mind. or the opposite, since she's repressing so much to say, her mind must be drowning in words.
it's both. when the question is real, when a real answer is looked for, it's waves of words that surge and have to be repressed. when the question is unreal, i don't even bother thinking of an answer.
like how i am perceived as harmless because i don't speak. harming is not always a matter of intentions. if anything it's mostly unintended. don't they say it's the closest ones to you that harm you most? i can't harm verbally, nor can i lie.
"shall I not tell you how to achieve all of this?" the prophet (pbuh) took a hold of his tongue and said, "restrain this."
like how, in the lack of uttered words, words that are uttered to me reverberate. they echo in my mind. imagine everyone felt the same. imagine how much we would weigh what we say. if our world is good, less harm would be done. if our world is not good, more harm would be done.
like how your own words have a loud resonance in your head. so when you mute them, you mute the noise they make.
and somehow, you realize, that there are voices within. noises within.
some are memories that would be replaying, instigated by something your senses picked up. some are premonitions, instigated by something your thoughts stretched to. and there are some that are neither. timeless inner noises. clear as crystal, that make utter nonsense, yet that sound utterly right.